The Enchanted Cottage

The Enchanted Cottage

Yarn: Filatura di Crosa, 100% virgin wool, washable, plied, DK wgt.
Needles: #7
Gauge: 4″=18 st.
Pattern: The Enchanted Cottage
Book: A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Page: 213-215
Difficult Techniques, if any: Stitches themselves are easy – it’s keeping track of the pattern rows which requires close attention.
Note: Size #6 needles are also suggested for this yarn, which would yield a 22st/4″ gauge.

Knit by: Lisa

2 Responses to “The Enchanted Cottage”

  1. Karrie Says:

    I can’t resist asking – what are you going to do with this swatch?

  2. Lisa Says:

    Thanks for asking, Karrie! I have a several ideas: 1) use this as a center-piece of a lap blanket; 2) knit 3 more of the same pattern, in seasonal color choices, and use all four as the center of a lap blanket; 3) knit up several of BW’s “Gingerbread Castle” (same book, pg 242) and assemble them with several of this swatch as a lap blanket. Finish off the lap blanket with a fun border treatment, maybe from one of Nicky Epstein’s books.

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