Double Vine

Yarn: Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift, 1140 Granny Smith
Wraps Per Inch: 13
Needles: US#3, 3.25 mm, Knitpicks 16″ Harmony Circular
Gauge: 6.4 st/in or 2 pattern repeats=5″
Pattern: Double Vine
Stitch Count Repeat:  Multiple of 16sts
Book: A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Page: 279
Comments, if any: Bottom and top edge wave naturally with this pattern. Also found in Craft of lace Knitting, Page 79

Knit by: Phreadde Davis, aka fibergal

6 Responses to “Double Vine”

  1. Spunknit Says:

    This is just beautiful! I don’t even remember it from the book. It is so striking in color, I have to check this one out more!

  2. Catherine Says:

    If I’m not mistaken, your photo shows it upside-down. Looking closely, the eyelet section gives the game away.

    So that would make it perfect for a top-down garment, or cuff-down socks.

    Looks especially lovely in that shade, too. Hmm….

  3. Laura Says:

    Yes, it is upside down, but still… I never would have used this from the photo in the book. This stitch is gorgeous!

  4. fibergal Says:

    Corrected orientation.

  5. denise Says:

    any way of getting the double leaf pattern?

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