Honeybee Pattern with Faggoting


Yarn: Wolle Rödel Siena
WPI: 12
Needles: 4mm (US6)
Gauge: 5.5sts per inch over pattern, blocked
Pattern: Honeybee Pattern with Faggoting
Stitch Count Repeat: Multiple of 18 sts
Book: A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Page: 273

Knit by: SabrinaKnits

6 Responses to “Honeybee Pattern with Faggoting”

  1. etothem Says:

    I love all of the swatches you uploaded but I think this is my favorite.

  2. spunknit Says:

    This is beautifully knit and photographed! Is this difficult to knit?

  3. sabrinaknits Says:

    No, it’s not difficult at all. The most difficult stitch is p2tog through the back loop and perhaps casting on in the middle of a row, but otherwise it’s just knitting, purling, yarn overs and decreasing.

  4. Lynda Says:

    I am knitting a pattern that requires the honeybee with faggoting. I do alright until I get to row 5 where it reads to k1 under and 4 loose strands of the dropped yo’s; then yo and k1 again under the 4 loose strands. Also the cast on 4 sts onto the right hand needle.
    row 6 reads p5, p2to (st and following yo)…I don’t quite understand what I am supposed to do here. Are you able to help and explain it to me. I would really appreciate it.

    • Sabrina Says:

      Okay, keeping in mind that I knit this over a year ago and I knit Continental…

      For the knit under the dropped yo’s part: You basically treat the yo’s like a stitch and go under them with your right needle, grab the working yarn like you would for a knit stitch and pull up the yo’s (which should have a lot of give) with that stitch. Then yo like you normally would and repeat the whole manoever, creating three stitches.
      For the cast on in the middle of the row I used the backward loop cast on. You can find a video explaining it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJdBdf2jaWo The part relevant for you (since you already have stitches on the needle and don’t need the slip knot) starts at about 0:40.
      The wording in row 6 only means that for the p2tog one of the stitches is a regular stitch, while the other one is a yo you made in the row before.
      Hope this helps and good luck with your pattern!

  5. Lynda Says:

    Beautifully knit.

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