Peri’s Parasol

Peri's Parasol

Yarn: Cascade 220 colorway 2437
Wraps Per Inch: 9
Needles: 4.5 mm (size 7 US)
Gauge:  5 spi overall–stitch count varies from row to row
Pattern: Peri’s Parasol
Stitch Count Repeat:  22
Book: A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Page: 294

Comments, if any: Stitch count increases to row 12, then original count is restored in row 13.   I included the top and bottom borders because of the wavy pattern at top and the nice scalloped bottom edge.

Knit by: Liakno

5 Responses to “Peri’s Parasol”

  1. Michelle Says:

    What a beautiful pattern! And very well knit – that’s a pretty swatch. I really like the scallops that form at the edge.

  2. Spunknit Says:

    This is very pretty! This is a stitch I’ve wanted to try for a long time, just need a project to put it into!

  3. liliad Says:

    Thank you so much! I think that it would make a lovely edge to a sweater or a shawl.

  4. Bonnie Says:

    What a beautiful swatch!

  5. morgaine Says:

    This is beautiful. I can imagine many applications for it.

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