Telescope Lattice


Yarn: Cascade 220, colourway 9471
Wraps Per Inch: 9
Needles: 4.5 mm (7 US)
Gauge: 6 spi
Pattern: Telescope Lattice
Stitch Count Repeat:  12
Book: A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Page: 201

Knit by: liakno (ravelry)

4 Responses to “Telescope Lattice”

  1. Carrie K Says:

    Looks good! Did the Cascade shrink much?

  2. liliad Says:

    Thank you! I washed and blocked it by hand, so it didn’t shrink at all–in fact, it will stretch in blocking out quite nicely if you wish it to.

  3. besok rom Says:

    besok rom…

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  4. "blog link" Says:

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