Seafoam Pattern

Seafoam Pattern

Yarn: elsebeth lavold Silky Wool in color 29 Vibrant Green
Wraps Per Inch: 16 wpi
Needles: US6 (4mm)
Gauge: 22 sts. and 30 rows to 4 inches
Pattern: Seafoam Pattern
Book: A Second Treasury (book 2)
Page: 218

Knit by: Nephele of ADKD

This pattern wants to form nice waves at the cast on edge. I blocked this with blocking wires and yet you can still see the arching in the bottom edge. It’s a pretty edge but keep it in mind when designing with this stitch. The bind off edge is straight.

9 Responses to “Seafoam Pattern”

  1. elan Says:

    Very nice, need to try this one too! I bet it would look interting in a varigated yarn.

  2. phoenix Says:

    Wow, blocking does wonders for this stitch. This is one of the nicest examples I’ve seen. The Silky Wool really suits it.

  3. noodleknit Says:

    Very beautiful. I’ll have to try this one.

  4. ax174 Says:

    I’ve been eyeing this one for a swimsuit cover-up. Nice to see it swatched.

  5. Olyvia Says:

    Very pretty. This would make a very lovely shawl.

  6. editorgrrl Says:

    Agreed, this stitch would make a lovely reversible shawl.

  7. Pani Thuly Says:

    Seafoam is one of my favorite patterns, you have done a great job with it!

  8. missbitesalot Says:

    I love Seafoam Pattern because technically, it’s all garter stitch, and who doesn’t love garter stitch? But it’s also lacy, and who doesn’t love lace? :D

    I also like that this is a very algae-y color like you see on rocks at the beach. Very nice.

  9. Ellen Peskin Says:

    I have a question about row 7 of this pattern. The repeat is for 10 stitches, but on this row, the additional stitches are K1 and then K1 at the end. This is 10 +2 stitches, rather than the 26 stitches on the other rows. (The pattern is a multiple of 10 plus 6 stitches.) Please tell me what to do with the remaining 4 stitches on this row! Thanks very much. I really appreciate your help!

    (Row 7: K1, rep from * of Row 3, end last repeat k1 instead of k6.)

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