Vine Lace

Vine Lace

(shown with bound-off edge at top)
Yarn: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sport “Natural”
Wraps Per Inch: 17 wpi
Needles: size 6 Knit Picks Options
Gauge: 23 sts=4 inches (5.75 sts/inch)
Pattern: Vine Lace
Stitch Count Repeat: 9
Book: A Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Page: 218

Knit by: Erica V.

4 Responses to “Vine Lace”

  1. Emilee Says:

    Very nice!

    I believe that this is the pattern used in Glampyre’s pattern Orangina.

  2. Nery Says:

    I love this and am plannign to use it on a scarf for ISE4.

  3. mrknits Says:

    I just used this pattern for a scarf–it was pretty using handpainted alpaca yarn.

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