Faun’s Eyes

Faun's Eyes Blocked

Yarn: Vintage Coats & Clarks Red Heart Super Fine Fingering 3 Ply
Wraps Per Inch: 14 wpi
Needles: Bryspun Size 6US(4 mm)
Gauge: 29 stitches and 36 rows to 4″/10 cm over St st
Pattern: Faun’s Eyes
Stitch Count Repeat: Multiple of 12 sts
Book: A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns
Page: 253
Notes: Rows 6, 7, and 8 end with fewer stitches than a regular multiple — if you come up short at the end of a row, check the pattern description. Walker notes that this design was contributed by Hildegard M. Elsner of Aldan, Pennsylvania.

Knit by: Patty
Before blocking you can see what looks like a ‘snout’. . . .

Faun's Eyes Before Blocking

. . . . and this is what blocking does — it takes some stretching and smoothing but it’s worth it . . .

Faun's Eyes Close Up

10 Responses to “Faun’s Eyes”

  1. Nicole Says:

    Probably one of my favorites so far!

  2. emilee114 Says:

    That’s really neat. The big holes do sort of look like eyes. I wonder where the name comes from.

  3. rhoda Says:

    it looks amazing. i’m with nicole–one of my favorites so far too!

  4. Bonnie Says:

    Your swatch makes me want to knit this pattern ASAP.

  5. bluepeninsula Says:

    Another thought–the more I look at this stitch pattern, the more I think it would be perfect for socks.

  6. Kris Says:

    Beautiful pattern! The blocking comparison is really impressive. You are so accomplished. ;-)
    (I can say this………..because I live in awe of Patty – and anyone willing to delve into the precision and beauty of knitting this deeply. This, coming from a friend who only knits because weaving is not portable…..)
    Kudos to all contributors!

  7. nephele Says:

    Bluepeninsula – I’m making socks with that pattern. It is great.

  8. Deb Says:

    Patty! You’ve obviously fueled the fancy sock fires! It’s gorgeous. Thanks.

  9. Nurse Lauri AKA "Madame DeFarge" Says:

    Very nice, Patty! Will you submit this one?

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